Get Involved

I would love to invite you to pray about partnering with me as I get equipped to go out and be a missionary.

There are two main ways to get involved:

  • Pray! Pray that I would continue to allow what I am learning to saturate my mind and my heart so that I can be more like Jesus. Pray that God would continue to guide my steps and show me where he would like me to serve. And pray that I would have opportunities to get involved in my local church in Waukesha.
  • Give! Pray about partnering with me financially either now or in the future. This can not happen without the financial support of God’s faithful people here in the states. (please contact me below if you would be interested in financially contributing to my schooling or becoming a long term partner)

Thank you in advance for allowing God to use you to advance His kingdom.

Get in touch

Don’t hesitate to reach out with the contact information below, or send a message using the form.

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